Incident Response App

Enhance how you manage incidents

Corvanta's Incident Response App enhances the operational efficiency of frontline responders.

As an extension of a robust, proven communication hub, it facilitates constant connectivity between crew members and control rooms, streamlines communication, ensures faster incident response, and reduces radio traffic. Harness the power of our app for improved hospital workflows, accurate data for decision-making.

Key Capabilities

  • Mobile Incident Response
  • Direct CAD Response and Incident Activation
  • Seamless Integration with Comms Hub
  • Effortless Resource Allocation
  • Vehicle and Equipment Allocation and Assignment
  • Change and Update Status Anywhere
  • Mobile Duress and Safety Alarm
  • Streamlined Roster Management and Meal Break Recording
  • Incident Level Team Collaboration and Messaging
  • Improved situational awareness
  • Compliance Assessments
  • Fatigue Tracking and Wellbeing Management
  • App Personalisation
  • Support for Alternative Response Modes
  • Reduction in Radio Traffic
  • Log Vehicle Checks and Issues
  • Tracked Audibility in Incident Response Log
  • Equipment Maintenance and Servicing Intervals
  • Data Quality and Accurate Timing

Mobile Incident Response

Our app ensures constant connectivity between frontline responders and the communications room, minimising response times and improving efficiency in critical situations, no matter your transport or response mechanism (foot, bike, car, snowmobile).

Direct CAD Response and Incident Activation

Paramedics can receive and respond to tasks directly from CAD on their devices, providing seamless communication and rapid response activation.

Seamless Integration with Comms Hub

The app is designed to integrate seamlessly with your existing communications hub, optimising your response cycle. Changes made on the Comms Hub are reflected in the app and vice versa, ensuring constant communication and immediate updates integrated into CAD, without being tied to a vehicle.

Effortless Resource Allocation

Make informed decisions with real-time accuracy and inter-agency visibility. Our app integrates with your comms geofencing feature for seamless communication with responders. Automatic timers prompt more granular status updates, including triage status, availability, and any potential delays to provide rich data on the hospital component of the case lifecycle. This improves operational awareness between crew, hospital and supervisors.

Vehicle and Equipment Allocation and Assignment

The app allows paramedics to record, track, and maintain vehicles and equipment, improving fleet management and resource allocation. Increasing vehicle availability through preventative maintenance and scheduling, additionally allowing for minor fixes to be completed in near to real-time, ensuring a high level of fleet readiness.

Additional Capabilities

Crew members can update their status from anywhere, reducing dependence on radios and speeding up communication.

For crew safety, our app features an accessible duress alarm that can instantly alert the control room of potential safety threats on scene, at the coffee shop or at the station.

The app includes automated and customised timesheet management and meal break recording, ensuring compliance with industrial awards to improve workforce management – configured to your needs.

Our app includes secure inter-team messaging, allowing teams to coordinate effectively, reducing radio traffic and improving operational efficiency.

Enable responders to see the real-time location of supporting crews arriving on scene. The app also allows for discreet messaging to reduce radio traffic.

With our app, paramedics can complete required pre and post-shift checklists, ensuring safety and compliance standards are met, configured to your requirements. Crews can complete their ABC checklists, fatigue scores, covid free statements from the convenience of their phone.

The app provides wellness check-ins, giving insights into staff health and allowing management to identify trends and signs of burnout. Tracking trends of exposure over time, from case types, to workload, generating true operational insight at an individual level.

Paramedics can personalise app settings, enhancing user experience and efficiency.

Equip responders on foot, bike, or other alternative modes with the same tools as the rest of the workforce, ensuring connectivity and resource optimisation whilst improving response efficiency and consistency.

By allowing digital communication, the app can reduce radio traffic, freeing up resources for mission-critical messages.

The app enables crews to log vehicle checks and report issues, ensuring vehicle readiness and facilitating timely maintenance.

All actions and responses in the app are logged for review, providing a clear audit trail for incident response.

The app helps track equipment maintenance and servicing intervals, ensuring vital equipment is always ready for use.

The app provides precise data for improved decision-making around resourcing and operational planning.

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