CAD Integrated Drone

Aerial response for time-critical incidents
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Corvanta’s Autonomous Drone is a CAD-integrated solution for situations when every second counts.

Unlike traditional methods of pre-hospital care, aerial delivery is a progressive method of pre-hospital care unconstrained by traffic, geography or weather, with a guaranteed 3-minute response time. It is vital for ambulance services who have experienced significant growth and are challenged with finding more efficient ways to provide pre-hospital care that reduces morbidity and mortality.


A single drone provides an average 3-minute response time to 201km2 within a 8km radius.

This response time is transformative when compared to conventional road-based ambulance resources.

Achieving this response time with static public access AED’s and ambulances would be cost prohibitive.

The drone payload is not limited to AED’s and could include EpiPens, tourniquets and many more applications.


Integrates directly with CAD systems, enabling the emergency call-taker to dispatch a drone and ambulance simultaneously, saving precious seconds.

Corvanta uses advanced data analytics to optimise coverage and response times.



The use case for drones is not limited to medical device delivery. Drones provide high-definition situational awareness at multi-casualty incidents, search and rescues, and vehicle accidents.

Early intelligence from the scene enables operational managers and dispatchers to make evidence-based decisions on resource utilisation and avoid over or under-commitment of precious resources.

Corvanta and our partner specialise in managing regulatory frameworks, including those relating to beyond visual line of sight drone operations.

Our drones are commercial grade, all weather unmanned aerial vehicles with significant levels of safety and redundant systems.  Communication with mission control uses military grade encryption.

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