Industry Insights

Webinar – Integrated Patient Records – Next Generation of ePCR Technology

Ambulance authorities globally face a large increase in demand which places more pressure on service delivery. Services now need to do more with less, and optimising operations as much as possible is more important than ever.

Corvanta and Ortivus hosted a webinar on how technology can address these challenges, showcasing how Corvanta™ Critical On-demand Response (COR) is delivering a complete, end-to-end Integrated Patient Care Records (iPCR) solution for the prehospital sector – enabling a true ‘Connected Journey’ from an emergency call to the clinical handover.

Corvanta has launched from the former emergency services business within Trapeze.

iPCRs allow all clinicians to quickly view vital real-time patient information across multiple services throughout the entire prehospital journey – otherwise known as a ‘shared single source of the truth’. They aid time-critical decision making, whilst enhancing incident response, resource mobilisation, paramedic effectiveness, and critical communications.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • How iPCRs dramatically transform prehospital sector effectiveness, including real-world case studies such as the South Central Ambulance Service (UK).
  • How iPCRs enable fast, accurate, and secure patient data transfer for all health stakeholders, and
  • Why iPCRs maximise resource efficiency in the prehospital sector whilst improving patient outcomes.

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